There are a few choices for financial assistance for parents who might not have enough cash on hand to provide their children with the optimal education.
The Florida State K-12 scholarship program has expanded since May 1st, 2021, and now includes a new branch called the Family Empowerment Scholarship for Students with Unique Abilities (FES UA). With this enlargement, the former McKay Scholarship Program and the fresh FES UA program were combined.
There is much new information for parents due to these modifications and the expansion. Here is a brief description of the FES UA.
The Florida Department of Education provides funding for the FES UA to assist families in covering the costs of both public and private education.
The Unique Abilities section is designed for parents of children with disabilities who have been diagnosed by a doctor or psychologist and who are as young as three years old.
This scholarship is given to the child’s parents and placed in an Educational Savings Account (ESA), a state-controlled bank account used to assist in paying for private school tuition. This scholarship covers more than just K–12 tuition.
Tutoring, online classes, and even community college courses can all be paid for with the FES UA! Parents must apply for the scholarship and renew it annually through one of two organizations that fund scholarships: the AAA Scholarship Foundation in Tampa or Step Up For Students in Jacksonville.
Both organizations have readily accessible websites and physical locations where applicants can submit their applications.
So, precisely what can you and your child expect from the FES UA? Regardless of limitations, this award enables parents to offer their children the most excellent chance possible for academic success.
Parents don’t have to worry about paying for private school tuition or any additional costs of sending their children to public school.
It also allows parents to tailor their child’s education by letting them pick the best private school accessible for their unique needs.
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Who can apply for the Family Empowerment Scholarship for Students with Unique Abilities?
The standards might not be as stringent as you might believe. The child must fulfill one or more of the following requirements to be eligible for the FED’s Unique Abilities branch:
- The child is 3 or 4 years old by September 1st and is otherwise qualified to enroll in K–12 education
- The child has a qualifying diagnosis by a doctor or psychologist, or the child has an individualized education plan.
Fortunately, the FES UA is there to break down any barriers families may encounter. Money and disability shouldn’t ever be a barrier for any child to pursue an education.
What is the Family Empowerment Scholarship for Students with Unique Abilities (FES UA)?
The Florida legislature established the Family Empowerment Scholarship Program for Students with Unique Abilities in 2021 (Section 1002.394, Florida Statutes).
This program gives families of students with disabilities, as young as three years old, the option of enrolling their student in another public school or taking advantage of the opportunity to receive access to funds in an education savings account (ESA) for their student.
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What Are The Eligibility Requirements For FES UA?
An eligible student must be at least 3 or 4 years old, be able to enroll in kindergarten through 12th grade in a Florida public school, and must be the subject of an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or have a disability diagnosis from a licensed doctor or psychologist.
For students in grades three through twelve, “disability” refers to the following conditions:
Anaphylaxis; autism spectrum disorder; cerebral palsy; Down syndrome; intellectual disability; Prader-Willi syndrome; Phelan-McDermid syndrome; Spina bifida; Williams syndrome; muscular dystrophy; a rare disease; speech, language, orthopedic, or other health impairment; emotional-behavioral or specific learning disability; hospitalization.
Is A Student With A 504 Plan Eligible For FES UA?
The 504 plan by itself is insufficient to prove eligibility. If the parent submits a diagnosis of a handicap from a certified medical professional or psychologist while applying for the program, the student with a 504 plan may be qualified for FES UA.
How Do Parents Submit A FES UA Application?
Parents must apply to the program’s coordinating non-profit organization, which must be eligible. Visit the Department’s SFO website for a list of nonprofit organizations that fund scholarships.
Who Decides Whether Students Qualify For The FES UA (ESA option)?
Following a family’s application, one of the two designated scholarship funding organizations (SFOs) is responsible for gathering and assessing the supporting materials. SFOs submit funding requests for eligible students to the Department.
What Is An Education Savings Account (ESA)?
With an ESA, parents are given a deposit of public cash into multipurpose but restricted savings accounts that the government authorizes.
An ESA can be used to pay for private school tuition and fees, as well as online learning courses, private tutoring, community college costs, higher education expenditures, and other recognized customized learning products and services.
How Much Does An FES UA Student Receive In Awards?
Grade level, county of residence, and the unique level of need of each student are just a few of the variables that affect how much a student receives in scholarships. In the academic year 2022–2023, the typical scholarship was around $9,700. We’ll have updated prize amounts for 2023–24 soon.
Is There A Limit On How Much Money A Student’s ESA Can Hold In Total?
Yes. Scholarship regulations forbid FES UA students with ESA balances over $50,000 from receiving extra aid.
How Many Students Are Allowed To Take Part In FES UA?
The law governing the scholarship program places a limit on FES UA participation. The maximum enrollment is 40,000 students. Every year, the cap will rise by 3% of the state’s total enrollment in exceptional student education full-time equivalent students.
Dependent children of US military personnel, dependent children of law enforcement officials, foster children, and adopted children are among the applicants who are eligible to participate outside the cap.
Children receiving specialized VPK instruction throughout the previous school year who were reported for funding during either the prior October or February FEFP Survey
Does FES UA Offer A Choice Of Public Schools?
Yes. The public school district must inform the parent of the student’s eligibility for FES UA and provide the parent with two public school options within ten days of the IEP meeting.
- The parent is free to select any other public school within the district, and the district will provide transportation to that public school.
- The parent may decide to enroll the student and arrange for transportation to a public school in a nearby district that has space and a program that offers the services outlined in the student’s IEP.
How Long Is An FES UA Student Allowed To Take Part In The Program?
The FES UA program is open to students who are currently enrolled up until the time they return to a public school, graduate from high school, or turn 22. For a pupil to remain in the program after age 6, they must prove their eligibility under a different category.
Is It Possible For A Child To Attend A Public School And Get ESA Payments Through The FES UA Program?
No, a student who is enrolled in a public school and receives ESA money is no longer eligible for the program.
Can A Child Who Enrolls In A Home Education Program Also Receive An FES UA Scholarship?
Yes. FES UA students can fulfill their attendance obligations by enrolling full-time in a private school or participating in a home education program approved by their local school system.
Students enrolled in home education programs must adhere to Section 1002.41 of the Florida Statutes. For more information, see the Department’s Home Education webpage.
Additionally, for private schools, it is a must to have Department approval to take part in FES UA before using ESA funding for tuition.